Show Notes 12/01/17

Title: What Makes a Good Logo?

Run Time: 21 min 54 secs

Host: Luke Rodgers

Panelists: Nabbit, Oktober and Major Monocle



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Topic: Logos/Mascots/Advertising Symbols



  • Oktober talks about how no matter how creatively artistic your logo is, most people don’t care. The two most important things are, according to the panel, is that it is consistent and you can read it.




  • The subject of redesigning logos came up and that lead down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole that is Wendy’s. Please adjust your tinfoil hats appropriately.


  • Nabbit and Major Monocle about the power of logos when it comes to kids toys. Nabbit’s son has a toy vehicle with the Yamaha logo…Major Monocle has the real thing on his motorcycle. Major Monocle spent a lot more money to get his.


Game: “Killer Fruits”

This game gives the panel a chance to stretch their mental muscles. Each panelists chooses a fruit and describes how they become a serial killer. Who are their victims? What is their M.O.? What is their backstory? How are they brought to justice?… or as Nabbit says “Juice”-tice….seriously we tried to make it a thing.








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